Buy MXE Online


Methoxetamine (MXE) is a dissociative drug, which means it causes people to feel separated or detached from their body or physical environment. Dissociatives are similar to psychedelics, they can cause hallucinations and other changes in thoughts, emotions and consciousness

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We are leading suppliers of the best quality MXE online at very cheap prices. Fastest and secure shipping services available, buy MXE online. MXE is equally known by the  Methoxetamine.

How is MXE used?

MXE is usually snorted, swallowed, or injected.

One of the most significant differences between ketamine and MXE is the length of time before its effects are felt. MXE is said to be slower-acting, but more potent and long-lasting. It can take anywhere from 5- 90 minutes to feel the effects. This has led to people overdosing, as they have taken additional doses while waiting for the effect to be felt. When taken orally, the effects are usually felt within 15–45 minutes. After snorting, the effects are reported to occur within a few minutes.

Dependence and tolerance

There is limited evidence regarding MXE and dependence, however, experts believe that the similarity to ketamine means that it carries a comparable risk of dependence. While the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (UK) ranks ketamine as less harmful than other illicit drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, or GHB, some studies have indicated a high risk for tolerance and dependence.

Buy Methoxetamine Online | Methoxetamine For Sale

Methoxetamine (MXE) is a drug described as dissociative and it is synthetically made. It has similar results to ketamine but lasts longer and is stronger, although many of the long and short term effects of it are not yet known. It is favored over ketamine because there is a thought that it does not lead to the bladder problems associated with ketamine, which can be very painful and lead to surgical removal of the bladder, but there is no scientific evidence to prove this.

Buy MXE Online

We are leading suppliers of the best quality MXE online at very cheap prices. Fastest and secure shipping services available, buy MXE online. MXE is equally known by the  Methoxetamine.

Buy Methoxetamine Online

MXE is stronger than ketamine. It does have other possible effects not associated with ketamine such as slurred speech, unsteady on the feet, poor coordination, and loss of balance. The reason that it is taken is that it gives a feeling of euphoria, warmth, and enlightenment. It also makes the person feel detached from the world around them. As it is so closely similar to Ketamine the effects are very similar which includes the risks as well as the effects.

MXE for Sale

Due to its chemical structure, it was originally thought that it has opioid properties but this has never been proved. As a fairly new drug, there is not a lot of evidence about symptoms of long term use. However, it does cause hallucinations, gives extra energy or edginess or in some cases chilled out. The drug is illegal in many countries due to its possible health risks. Buy mxe online

Effects of MXE

Anxiety, confusion, coziness, empathy, euphoria, hallucination, nausea, numbness, paranoia, vomiting.

Additional information


100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1kg


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